What is laser hair removal?

Hair can be removed in various ways. Some of the methods, such as shaving, plucking and waxing, only provide temporary results. Other methods such as electrolysis, is painful and tedious and is associated with a risk of scarring.

In recent years, Laser hair removal has been found to offer the safest and most permanent solution for hair removal. The results depend on the type of hair. Usually the coarser and darker the hair (for example armpits, lower legs), the better the response to laser. In other areas where the hair is finer and lighter (for example facial hair), the response may be slower.

Laser hair removal is carried out as an outpatient procedure. During the laser, there is minimal discomfort. The time taken depends on the area of hair removed. There is no special skin care required after the laser. The number of treatments range from 4-8, and treatments are performed every 1-2 monthly.

You may be prescribed a soothing lotion/ cream/ spray to use on the treated area, and if the hair removal was done on sun exposed areas, you will need to use a sunscreen regularly. Also, attention to good hygiene is a must over the treated area. There is no other post procedure care involved.

We at Be skin clinic use US FDA approved diode hair laser. we offer pre LASER consultations to evaluate and look for factors that indicate an underlying hormonal abnormality in all cases of hirsutism. Following which, a treatment protocol indicating the number of sessions required and the schedule to be followed is created, customized to each patient. The LASER sessions are then followed by a post procedure consultation, to assess the outcome and to discuss the need for future sessions, if so required.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

Prp (platelet rich plasma) or the vampire face lift is a relatively new therapy with the dermatologists. It’s so called because your own blood is taken and after separation of different constituents of blood from the plasma, is reinjected into the skin. This plasma is rich in platelets and it contains growth factors which stimulate skin regeneration.

As a result skin regains vitality and becomes more smooth and elastic. There is improvement in skin colour and best of all it’s natural without any risk of allergic reactions. PRP also stimulates growth of hair follicles and reverses the hair miniaturisation. It is repeated at an interval of 4-8 weeks for three sessions.

Microdermabrasion / Skin Polishing

Microdermabrasion uses micro-particles, or a diamond-tipped wand, to remove some of the top skin layer (epidermis) and stimulate new skin growth. This non-invasive treatment produces virtually no discomfort, requires no topical or local anaesthetic, and involves practically no recovery or downtime.

Pumpkin Peel

It is a gentle moisturizing treatment for nutrition and cell renewal. This Peel cleanses face, moisturizes and promotes healthy cell rejuvenation, encouraging the production of elastin and collagen.

Its natural alpha hydroxy acids and enzymes exfoliate the skin. The high concentrations of vitamins A and C, and beta-carotene in the pumpkin fruit are known to fight free radicals and to treat damaged skin caused by exposure to ultra violet light and sun.


Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

It removes wrinkles and improves our face value, builds our confidence.Wrinkles are the primary lines of concern. They are formed on the face over time due to sun exposure & continuous muscle activity. These lines can often make us look tired, angry or older than we are. Botulinum Toxin is one of the best & the most popular wrinkle reduction treatment available today.

Botulinum Toxin is a natural purified protein approved by US FDA & is used to relax the muscles which cause wrinkles. It is usually injected to reduce frown lines on forehead & crows feet around eyes. Effect lasts for 3-6 months.


Now, there is a solution to make you look younger with Hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Esthelis, Fortelis&Modelis.; Fillers give you an instant result which could last upto 2 years.

Fillers are injections given into the deeper layers of skin and subcutaneous tissue to make one look youthful.


Mesotherapy is a technique of injecting a small amount of a customized mixture of conventional pharmaceutical medications, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes into the middle layer of skin.

Very small doses of these substances are administered using tiny needles in specific areas, depending on the condition being treated.


Threadlift is a novel procedure that helps to tighten and lift sagging skin and can be used on the face or body. They stimulate new collagen formation and this helps tighten the skin. Three sessions are generally done at a gap of one month, thereafter the procedure needs to be repeated after 1 year or as individual needs be.

This is a completely safe procedure. There is no fear of contamination as the threads are completely sterile and get dissolved over time.


Double chin with lax skin,Jawline contouring & tightening, and lifting the sagging skin on the cheeks and around the mouth.

Hair Restoration

We have the LASER LIGHT THERAPY to stimulate laser hair growth. This is a low level laser therapy that uses infra red light to activate the growth of thick and full hair. The energy works for cellular metabolism and improves blood circulation and supply of oxygen to the follicles.

LED THERAPY is an invasive light used to stimulate blood flow throughout the scalp. With a specific wavelength, the light works on scalp skin where the immune responses of the blood are optimised. Vital oxygen is supplied to all cells and the cells associated with hair growth are stimulated in the process.

Alternative treatment for hair growth is STEM CELL THERAPY. Stem cells are tiny progenitor cells. The treatment works by activating stem cells that already exist in the scalp and these cells give off chemical signals to follicle cells that had shrunk during the ageing process.

PEPTIDE THERAPY:This is from Stem Cell technology. It can be used to start healthy hair growth.

Stem cell therapy

This technology is based on the concept of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) which utilizes the benefits of stem cells and growth factors.

The source of the stem cell is autologous serum which is extracted from your own blood. This is processed in a specialized laboratory and the serum which is rich in platelet stem cells and growth factor is placed in your scalp as tiny injection.

Dark Circles

Dark circles under the eyes give the impression of tiredness all the time.

Using the combination of arginine and lactic acid peels along with vitamin C serum helps to reduce dark circles in 8-10 sessions done at 2 week intervals. The peel is very safe and is an office procedure. There are no tell tale signs and the person can go back to work immediately after the peel.

Sunken eyes can also create an effect of dark circles due to a shadowing effect.In such cases, a hyaluronic acid filler can be used to fill the hollow under eyes thus getting rid of the shadow.


This is melting away fat by means of an injection. During the procedure, Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) is directly injected into undesired fat deposits. Lipodissolve is significantly different than liposuction. For one, Lipodissolve is not a surgical procedure and general anesthesia is not needed.

This is a simple, outpatient procedure, with minimal / no recovery time. While Liposuction removes fat cells and is flushed from the body. With Lipodissolve the fat is reduced along with the cellulite. This contributes to the natural appearance that Lipodissolve results in. If one gains weight after Lipodissolve, the fat will simply return to the treated area, unlike liposuction, where fat can migrate to places where there were no problems before.

Also in Lipodissolve, the sagging skin is tightened along with fat reduction.

Be clinic special party glows

At Be Skin Clinic we use customised serums to lighten and brighten the skin. The enzymes that are used are the mildest peeling agents that restore the radiance of healthy skin.

This intense, moisturizing rehydration therapy will also help to promote hydration and cellular rejuvenation, as well as aid in revitalizing the skin from the inside out.

This is an excellent maintenance therapy to maintain skin healthy, youthful & radiant.

Non surgical face lift

Infrared light / non-ablative radio frequency waves are used to heat the dermis to build and remodel collagen in the skin. This produces a tightening and lifting effect on the face, neck and eye area. This treatment is most effective in mild to moderate sagging of the lower face and jaws.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks a are a common complaint. Multiple causes for stretch marks have been suggested, including mechanical stretching, rapid growth spurts, changes in the hormonal milieu, and medications like oral and injected steroids. Whatever the causative reason, stretch marks do make people uncomfortable and self conscious especially, if they are located in visible areas.

Obese individuals are more likely to have stretch marks as compared to people whose body weight is within optimal limits.

Multiple topical applications containing cosmeceuticals as well as therapeutic agents such as tretinoin and ascorbic acid have all been tried with varying rates of success. More reproducible results can now be expected with microdermabrasion, chemical peels, Narrow band UVB and LASERs.